10 Neglected Ways to Become a Dangerous Man

mindset Feb 23, 2023

You ever watch an action flick and that inner child imagination chimes in and gives you a vision of you being John Wick? I can’t be the only one this happens to, right? Like I remember watching all the Van Damme and Sylvester Stallone movies as a kid. I wanted to be that action hero that could go into a room and beat up 20 guys no problem. Shoot all those guns without ever having to reload and then still have enough energy to fight the big boss at the end.

I wanted to be a dangerous man like these action movie heroes, but the thing is, they were just movies. Even though they were fun to watch, it was all fake. And the depiction of these larger than life heroes, these so called dangerous men that we were rooting for in these movies, they weren’t real.

As I got older, got married and became a father, I came to realize that the real dangerous men. The real badass heroes that the bad guys are afraid of in our modern day times, are a little different than Rambo. And the best part is that you have what it takes to become one of them.

Today I wanna dive into 10 strategies you can use to become a dangerous man in this modern world we live in.

Now you might be asking, why would you want to become a dangerous man? Well, the answer is simple. It’s the same reason you wanna the action movie hero, because they don’t answer to anyone. They carve their own path in life and stand up for what they believe is right. They are in essence Free, Sovereign Men that cannot be controlled especially by evil people.

We live in a world where there are a bunch of evil people trying to control you. Not only you as a man, but they wanna control your wife too. And they especially wanna control your kids. So if you don’t want these evil people to succeed in their agenda, then you my brother need to become a dangerous man. And make it damn near impossible for them to take your freedoms.

1. Develop a Strong Mindset

How often do you check in on your beliefs and the stories about yourself that you’ve accepted as true? A better question might be, how often do you challenge your beliefs about yourself? You see, there are ton of beliefs and stories that are deep rooted in your mind due to your past experiences. It could be something traumatic that happened to you that might’ve implanted that false belief. Or you might’ve gotten them from your parents, family, teachers, employers, or even close friends. Wherever you got them from, it’s worth noting that they didn’t just come from you out of the blue.

I remember when I was a kid in 4th grade, my teacher had convinced me to try out for Class Vice President. She helped me work on my speech and the day came when I got called in front of the whole school to give my speech. I was extremely nervous and as I got up to the podium and began to speak into the mic, I burst into uncontrollable laughter. I read my entire speech while cracking up and the entire school, including the teachers were laughing as well. My teacher was disappointed though and said that I might not be meant for public speaking. That event got cemented into my brain and I took on the belief that I was not meant for public speaking.

I had to shift my beliefs around that when I began to rap at the age of 14. I ended up joining a hip hop group and we were performing at different events in front of hundreds of people almost every weekend for about 7 years. Then I got a job at an Apple Store where I literally taught public classes 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. I was always public speaking and the mere act of shifting that belief and developing a strong mindset around it made all the difference.

Jim Kwik, a world renowned brain coach said this once that has always stuck with me, “if you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them.” If you believe that you can’t do it, then you never will. But if you believe that you have no limits and are truly capable of whatever you set your mind to, you will be unstoppable. It all starts with having a strong mindset.

2. Take Care of Your Body

This one is pretty straightforward, your physical health is extremely important. I’m definitely not the leader in this department, but I am working on it consistently. The truth is, I’ve had quite a few ER visits due to chest pain and numbing in my left arm. It’s just not fun going through those experiences. A lot of it was caused by having a bad diet, not getting good sleep, and being stressed out all the time. A daily dose of Physical Activity that gets you sweating and the heart pumping can shift all that around for you.

Every time I get a good work out in, especially when I do it in the morning right after waking up, I just feel great for the rest of the day. More energized, less stressed, and because the body is nice and sore, I just naturally end up falling asleep quicker and getting better sleep because of it.

If you have a family to care of and provide for, do yourself a favor and make your health a priority. Most people, especially in the U.S. don’t do this and end up having a host of health problems. Also, be mindful of what you allow to enter your body as well. Whether that be food, drinks, or drugs, don’t just accept it and cave into unhealthy appetites that don’t make your body stronger. You can’t be a dangerous man, if your health is not dialed in.

3. Establish a Relationship with God

I myself, subscribe to the Christian Faith and I believe in God. The truth is that without the relationship I’ve established with God over the years, it would be very difficult for me to live my life in peace. Now this is just me because this is how I view things, so if you don’t agree that’s ok. I believe that in order for you to reach your fullest potential as a man, you have to know God. You have to rely on something greater than you to get you there because without Him, you are limited.

I couldn’t imagine going through hardships in my life without being able to pray to God. Like when my wife was going through labor with our first born son and they were losing his heartbeat. All the doctors that rushed in to figure out what was happening, and I was next to her feeling helpless, having faith in God helped us get through that. When my dad was laying in a hospital bed and all the doctors told us that he would never walk or speak again, and I prayed to God for a miracle. The very next day he was moving and speaking.

Every day I get to breathe, hug my kids, and kiss my wife is a gift from God to me. And having a strong connection with Him, allows me to express gratitude for that and to ask for strength beyond me when I need it. When you can draw strength and wisdom from a being that’s far superior than you, I’d say you become a pretty dangerous man.

4. Learn How to Fight

I was talking about how we’re drawn to all of these action movie heroes before and one of the biggest things that we enjoy about them is their capability for violence. I mean unless you’re one of these soy-boy, pacifists that cry about everything, when you see John Wick go into a room and take out all the bad guys, you think it’s awesome just like any other man. The problem is that even though we enjoy seeing that stuff, a lot of us just stop there and accept that we will never be able to do any of those things.

When the truth is, if we’re supposed to be a provider and a protector for our family, how are we ever gonna protect them if we don’t learn how to fight? The world is full of violence and there are a lot of violent, evil people out there that wish to do you and your family harm. God forbid these people ever come to do you harm, but if they ever do, wouldn’t you rather be prepared for it? This is one of the reasons why my son and I are enrolled in an MMA gym. Even him at 4 1/2, he’s starting to understand violence and the necessity of being able to defend himself and others. This is why my brother and I go to the shooting range to train with our guns. Why we enjoy hatchet throwing, archery, and knives.

If you want to be a dangerous man, you have to get comfortable with violence. I’m not saying you have to love it. Most of the dangerous men I know are the most peaceful loving men you’ll ever meet. And they don’t go out looking for trouble. But when trouble finds them, they know how to activate a side of them that makes them a nightmare to deal with. How does the famous saying go, “it’s better to be a warrior in the garden, than a gardener in the war.” Something like that, but you get the point. Make it a priority to learn how to fight and never stop training, even if the bad guys never come.

5. Lead Your Family Well

In our modern day culture, one of the things that will absolutely make you a dangerous man is to have a strong, united family. Can you imagine a man who is completely loyal and faithful to his wife. I mean not only in staying away from other women, but completely free from the addiction of porn. A man who serves his wife, loves her passionately, and shows her every day that he’s reliable, trustworthy and is working towards a bigger, better future for them.

Picture a man who loves his kids and is fully present in their lives. Who has an unbreakable bond with them because of the influence of all of his actions. They watch him lead a life of integrity and excellence every day, so they naturally want to follow him and be in his world. A man that can lead his family in this way and create the family life experience is a dangerous man.

If he can lead his family well, then he can be a leader in his community. He can lead other men to do the same with their families and their communities. Pretty soon, you have an influence that’s far greater than you could ever imagine. I encourage you to be this type of man because this man has the potential to change the world.

6. Read Books to Edify the Mind

Yes I know it’s cliche, but Leaders are Readers. And if you wanna be dangerous, you gotta be educated. No, that doesn’t mean you have to go to college and get into a gang of debt. You can actually educate yourself, I believe much more efficiently, outside of school. And one of the best ways to do this, is by reading books that edify your mind. Not all reading edifies your mind. For example, if you spend time reading mainstream news articles, game or movie reviews, you’re probably not gonna be that much smarter after you read those, especially the news ones.

But if you pick up books that teach you a skill, like how to communicate effectively or start a business. You will absolutely be learning something new and it will edify you. Take advantage of the wisdom in books. The authors have taken years of experience and compiled all the best stuff into a book that you can digest in a week. Think about how powerful that is and how much of an advantage that gives you in life. Start making reading a daily habit, and watch how much of a dangerous man you can actually become.

7. Seek & Defend The Truth

We live in a world where everyone is concerned with being right, even if they’re dead wrong. No one seems to be concerned with what is true anymore. And that’s a huge problem, because if we’re not trying to seek out the truth and defending it when we find it, we’re left with nothing but lies.

I mean it doesn’t take very long to figure out how many lies have been pushed on us these past few years. From masks, to jabs and everything in between, yet so many men still buy into all of these lies. Instead of thinking for themselves and trying to seek out the truth.

Concern yourself with what is true in every aspect of your life. If you stand on truth, you will be dangerous and you will also make a lot of enemies. The truth is not an easy thing to contend with, that’s why those that wield it must be strong and hold their ground.

8. Create More Than You Consume

I’ve always found it interesting that God created us in His image and He is the ultimate Creator. And since we were created in His image, we have been gifted with the ability to create as well. I mean just think about all of the things that we as humans have created. From the Airplane that allows us to travel to anywhere in the world to the Internet that allows us to connect with anyone in the world.

The ability to create is deeply rooted in every one of us and I would argue that we are closest to God when we create something that helps others. My mentor, who I call Pops, just told me this week that the 2 homes he’s been building for the past couple of years are just about done and ready to sell. Can’t tell you how happy he sounds to see the final product of what started as an idea in his mind.

Now what you create doesn’t have to be a house, sometimes it could be something as simple as a word of encouragement that creates inspiration in another person. I create this content for the purpose of helping other men. And each time I release a video and someone reaches out saying that it helped him, it reassures me that what I’ve created has served someone else.

Create more than you consume, and you will stand out from all other men who choose to simply consume.

9. Help Other Men

Being a traditional family man is a lonely job, especially in this day and age. When a man that just wants to provide, protect, and lead his family is being attacked from all sides. You wanna be left alone and not have to deal with anyone outside of your circle. And that is a very lonely road that we as men put ourselves on thinking that there are no other men out there feeling the same way. Well I’m here to tell you that that’s not the case.

There are plenty of men out there just like you that are struggling trying to figure out this family game of marriage and kids, while at the same time juggling everything life throws at them. I would encourage you to make an effort to seek out these other men and form a brotherhood. You need good, reliable men that walk with integrity around you. If you make an effort to help them in areas where you excel, then they can help you in areas where they excel.

This is something I’ve done personally and I can’t tell you how much of a difference it’s made in my life. You are not meant to lone wolf everything on your own. The only thing stronger than a dangerous man is a group of dangerous men.

10. Become Wealthy

A man with no options is not a dangerous man. And when you’re living paycheck to paycheck to make ends meet, it’s not a fun existence for you or your family. That’s why I encourage you to really learn how to play the money game. Become financially savvy so that you can make as much money as possible.

Figure out how to get out of debt so you are released from the shackles of interest payments and credit card companies. Learn high value skills that people will pay big money for. Start your own business so that you can break free from relying on another person for a paycheck. Partner with men that know how to play the tax game so that you don’t keep getting all your money stolen by the government.

The more wealthy you become, the more dangerous you are because you are no longer bound by the options they force you to choose. You have enough resources to carve your own path, which is a great position to be in.

Until next time my fellow Alpha Dad,
- G. Vidal

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