3 Tips on How To Come Up With a Business Idea For Busy Dads

business Sep 15, 2020

So you’re a dad wanting to get out of the 9-5 grind and you wanna start your own business, but you’re struggling trying to find that perfect business idea?

Today we’re talking about business. A lot of the dads that I’ve worked with hate their jobs and wanna start their own business, be their own boss, but when it comes time to make that happen, they get hung up on trying to come up with a business idea.

The truth is you’re never gonna come up with the perfect business idea. When I was at my old job, I hated going to work.

Almost 10 years giving  10 hours of my day to a company that at the end of the day could easily replace me. Not getting paid what I was worth and hating about 80 percent of the customers I had to deal with on a daily basis.

I knew I needed to get out of there and get a better job and start my own business and grow it to the point where I only have to work for myself.

Now full transparency, I still haven’t left the 9-5 yet, but I have started my own business and Every day I’m getting closer and closer to that goal. The job I currently have is remote and allows me to do what’s necessary to make this business possible.

The important thing to note is

When coming up with this business, I didn’t look for a big idea, I looked for a problem.

Tip # 1: Look For A Problem That You’d Like To Solve

Business is all about problem solving.

Let’s take a look at Amazon as an example. When Jeff Bezos first started out, Amazon was just an Online Bookstore.

It was competing with physical bookstores like Borders and Barnes and Noble at the time.

People probably looked at him and laughed at the idea of having to order a book online and then having to wait a week or so actually receive the book. Instead of just going to the bookstore and getting the book today.

It didn’t meet the common practice of instant gratification. But Bezos stuck to his guns and was determined to make this website the everything store. Fast forward 20 years later, here we are in 2020 and Amazon is in fact The Everything Store.

It solved the problem of giving people a one stop shop for almost anything. Made it convenient for you to shop without having to drive anywhere and you can have the item delivered in some cases on the same day you order it.

Let’s look at another popular business. Netflix, on the other hand, tried to solve a different problem. And No, I’m not talking about Netflix and Chill. I’m talking about the problem of boredom and convenient entertainment.

I’m not sure if you remember this, but back in the days when we had VHS Tapes and VCRs. If you were watching a movie and wanted to switch it to another one, you would have to walk over to the VCR, press Stop and Eject and swap that movie out for another one.

The worst part was if the VHS wasn’t rewinded you had to go find your Rewinder. Yes, Rewinder! Which usually was modeled after some luxury sports car. In my case, we had a Mercedes where you had to press the hood of the car to open it up and then place the VHS Tape in.

The sole purpose of this device was to rewind your VHS Tapes at blazing fast speeds. (2-3 min)

It was definitely a different time.

Nowadays, all you have to do is press the Menu button and click on another movie or show and you’re already watching it.

That’s the beauty of a streaming service.

Netflix sort of paved the way for this model as now more and more companies like Amazon, Apple, and Disney are jumping on board with this trend.

When I was figuring out how to come up with Alpha Dad Consulting, I looked at the effects of Fatherless homes and broken families and I said to myself that I want to help solve that.

Now it may be a tall order, but if I can make an impact on a 100 Dads and help them achieve a peaceful united home, financial security and the ability to work for themselves, then I know I can do that for 1000. Every big company always starts small and grows with time.

Don’t be discouraged if you have a slow start, consistency always reigns supreme.

Tip # 2: Invent/Research a Solution to That Problem

Depending on the problem you choose to solve, the next step will be to come up with a solution to solve it.

A lot of the times, the problems we seek out are closely related to something we’ve experienced or something we’re trying to solve for ourselves. It could be something you’ve already conquered in your life with a solution that you came up with.

Write that solution down and break it down into pieces. How did you solve that problem? Did you create something? Did you get an idea from someone else? Try to iron out as much details about the solution as you can.

If you don’t have an experience to draw a solution from, then research a solution from people that have already solved it.

Look up people on Google or YouTube that have solved this problem. Look at Amazon Best Sellers list for books on solving your problem. Who are the top authors, leaders or influencers in this space?

Remember, it’s very rare to find original ideas nowadays, so don’t be overly concerned about originality. It’s not to say that originality isn’t important, it’s just not that necessary.

If someone has already solved your problem, it doesn’t mean that that’s the only way to solve it. You can look at one person’s solution and another’s and then combine them to form a hybrid that you put your own twist on.

Build your own frameworks or strategies based on these solutions and that will take us into Tip # 3.

Before we get into Tip # 3, no matter what business you try to build, there is one thing you will need especially as a dad or a husband. And that’s Time.  We always use the excuse of not having enough time to keep us from doing things.

So I wanna help you get your time back by giving you this free gift for joining me today.

It’s called the “Get Your Time Back Challenge.” A simple 3 page guide that will make you feel like you got 25 hrs in a day.

Just go to to to claim your free gift.

Tip # 3: Test The Solution and Measure Results

The very last step to getting a business idea up and running is to test these solutions and measure the results.

First, if you haven’t done so already, test them on yourself. If you’re trying to solve this problem for yourself and you are your target audience, then make yourself the guinea pig. Take a look at the results you get, if the results are good, then move onto the next phase.

Next, now that you’ve tried it on yourself and it worked, try it on someone else for free. Start with Friends or Family that have that same problem. Share with them how you solved it for yourself and ask them if they would like help for free or a low price point. All products and services are different and some require a lot of time and energy to implement, so don’t be afraid to charge something, even if they are friends or family.

Keep in mind, that some people may not take you up on the offer, but if even 1 or 2 say yes, that’s a win. Now you’ve landed your first client. And even though they are Friends or Family, treat them like a client. Give them the best possible experience.

If the results they get are just as good as yours or even better, then move onto last phase.

If you got people results with your solution, then the next step is to raise the price and actually sell it. Have the people that have tested out your frameworks with good results provide you a video testimonial or case study. This adds to your credibility when marketing to your clients.

Congratulations, you have viable Business Idea!

Now I know I may be oversimplifying the process as there’s definitely more to this. However, if you start with just these 3 steps, I guarantee it will put you ahead of 90% of people out there trying to do the same thing.

Most people sit and wait around for these ideas to magically pop into their head. If you implement these 3 steps, you will have taken action to spark these ideas, and if the idea you comes up with doesn’t work. Look for another problem and start the process again. That’s the beauty of this framework, it doesn’t stop at one idea.


Until next time my fellow Alpha Dad.

  • G. Vidal

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