Program Your Mind And Change Your Life By Getting Rid Of Bad Beliefs
Oct 27, 2020That’s just the way I am! Have you ever heard someone use this excuse before? Well, let me ask you a question, what if the way you are sucks?
If who you ARE got you to WHERE you ARE, and you’re not happy with WHERE YOU ARE? Then wouldn’t it make sense to change who You ARE and Become Someone Greater?
Or Is there no hope?
So many dads struggle with depression and turn to vices like drugs and alcohol to numb the pain. At times from the outside it can look like he’s got his life together. Maybe a good job, family seems happy, big house, luxury car, but inside he feels worthless almost like he hasn’t accomplished anything.
Why is that? Why does this happen to so many men? To the point where many even commit suicide.
The truth is that it all starts with BS.
Your Belief System
When I was 14 years old, I went to my very first concert. It was an underground hip hop concert in south central LA where rap groups such as the Tunnel Rats and Ill Harmonics performed.
Watching these guys rap on stage live was surreal. I went home that night, found a 2 minute instrumental track on a Reggae CD I had and I wrote my first rap lyrics.
I performed that rap song over and over again. I’d be stuck in my room for hours just practicing but with no one around. Until my cousin showed up with his girlfriend one day and I decided
To make my performance debut. I called him into my room and we left his girl out in the living room. I performed the track and he was in shock that his younger cousin was actually rapping,
so much so, that he went and got his girl and I had to perform it again.
When I was done both of them were awestruck and they said you gotta keep doing this, you’re already really good. You gotta keep developing this talent.
Now I clearly knew I was onto something, but there was this voice inside of me still saying, Nah G, you Suck, just give it up.
You see up to this point in my life, I had never been good at anything. When I tried sports like soccer to try to get closer to my dad, anytime I would make a mistake, I was told you suck.
And then no effort or encouragement was made to make me better at that sport.
My belief system as a kid was garbage and those beliefs bled into my adult life as well.
The crazy thing is that this is true of all of us.
Here’s what happens.
Concept #1: The First 7 Years of Life
The first 7 years are some of the most important years of your life as they pave the way for a lot of the beliefs that you carry into adulthood. If you can begin to think of your brain as a computer and those deep rooted beliefs that you have as programs it can start to make sense as to how this works. Think about how much information kids 7 and under are downloading into their brains constantly. Kids that undergo traumatic events during that age, grow up being traumatized as adults. Whether it be fear of the dark, fear of being criticized, fear of embarrassment, the list goes on. You tell a kid that he or she sucks and will amount to no good, subconsciously, this becomes their belief or program.
You see, your brain is split into 2 parts, the conscious and the subconscious and 95% of all of your daily activity is controlled by your subconscious. Now I won’t get into this too deeply, as you can check out my how to dominate your mind video up here somewhere or in the description below. The point is if your brain is mostly controlled by automated programs, how do you get new programs or beliefs installed in your mind? During the first 7 years a Child’s brain operates on a lower vibration called Theta, which you can look at as imagination. This is why kids are so good at memorizing new information and imagining these crazy worlds when they’re playing with their toys.
Now you may be saying well that’s good to know G, but I’m not a kid anymore. How do I go from believing that I suck at everything and that life’s not worth living to I can do anything I set my mind on and life is amazing, as an adult? Is it too late for me?
Concept #2: Theta State As An Adult
The good news is that it’s not too late. You still have the ability to take advantage of this Theta state. Even though our brains don’t operate like a child’s brain anymore. We’re more experienced and are able to reason better at the cost of not being able to learn as quickly as a child or have the imagination of a child. Yet, our brains do still enter the Theta state and it happens right before you fall asleep.
You know that moment when you’re drifting to sleep. You’re still semi awake, but you know just another min and you’re gonna be gone for the night. That’s the moment your brain enters this state. And this is the window you have to start putting new programs in.
So the question is, well how do you do it? There’s a couple of ways, according to some experts. One is to put some headphones on and listen to a recording of you stating a belief or program that you want to adopt. Something like, “I’m gonna wake up at 6am and workout because I’m a healthy person and I love being in shape.” Imagine that repeated over and over in your head overnight while you sleep entering your subconscious. Kinda weird right? yup I thought so too. So if you’re not into that, there’s always option # 2.
Picture your new belief as you’re falling asleep. Whatever you wanna change about yourself, use your imagination like a kid and picture that change. If it’s getting in shape, picture yourself in shape and healthy. If it’s you getting rid of a bad habit, picture yourself not doing that anymore and replacing it with something positive. Fall asleep with that thought.
Keep in mind that you do this already. People think of the worst things in their life right as they’re falling asleep and look at the effect that has. You’re stressed, mad, worried, scared, unhappy and sometimes those things carry over even into your dreams. And when you wake up you feel like crap too. Why not try the opposite and see what happens? When you get rid of bad programs and replace them with good ones, your life starts getting better and you’re able to do more.
Almost makes you feel like you have more time on your hands. And if you’re interested in discovering how to optimize more time for yourself, I wanna invite you to my Free Workshop where I show you my 5-Step Method to getting more time in your life so that you can actually live and do the things you wanna do.
Just go to to check it out.
So you may be saying G I get where you’re coming from, but I don’t know about all this imagination stuff, there’s gotta be another way? Well lucky for you, there is.
Concept # 3: Repetition
It’s called good ol’ fashion Repetition. This is what made Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant the greatest Basketball Players. They kept practicing, day in and day out. Focusing the majority of their time on perfecting their craft and getting to that next level.
Look at people that master martial arts. Whether it’s MMA, Jiu Jitsu or Wing Chun like Ip Man. They freakin Practice and make it part of their daily lives.
When I started rapping, I could’ve stopped there, but I kept going writing more and more lyrics. Performing in front of more and more people until I was on actual stages with a live band behind me. If I would’ve let my limiting belief or my corrupted program that was dragging me down since childhood dominate me, I wouldn’t have been able to do those things. But it was in my consistency and repetition that I began replacing those programs.
Still to this day, I’m constantly finding new programs to put into my mind. New beliefs that I wanna have that can enable me to take my craft to the next level. I’m not special in any way. There’s far more capable people out there than me and you’re one of them. Test these concepts out and see what they can do for you.
If you can combine the visualization with the repetitive action, even better.
That’s going to wrap it up for this week’s Post.
Until next time my fellow Alpha Dad,
- G. Vidal
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