How Feeling Powerless Led This Family Man to a Deadly Addiction | Sean Corcoran

Have you ever felt powerless as a man?

There’s been many instances in my life where I’ve felt powerless.

Like when my first son was being born and the doctors rushed in because they were losing his heart beat and they couldn’t get him out.

All at the same time watching my wife scream in excruciating pain that I couldn’t take away.

And even though that moment in time was hard, I at least got to be there and see my son be born.

But what if you never got a shot to even get to the delivery room?

What if you got your girlfriend pregnant and even though it was a surprise, you were excited about being a father.

But she decided that she didn’t want the child and no matter how much you pleaded with her.

No matter how much you told her that you would take the baby if she didn’t want it.

She decided to get rid of the baby without ever considering you, she and society at large rendered you powerless.

What do you do as a man in that scenario?

That’s what we’re gonna find out today.

On this episode, I had the honor and privilege of interviewing another fellow Apogee Brother, Sean Corcoran.

Sean has an incredible story from falling into a deep depression that resulted in him going down a 7 year path of self destruction. He ended up homeless and addicted to one of the hardest drugs out there to break free from. After his incredible recovery from that world, he went back to law school and had a successful career as a divorce and custody attorney. Only to find that his success as a lawyer was causing him to be absent as a husband and father to his 5 kids. So in 2021 he closed up shop and stopped taking clients in order to be more present at home.

He now has a growing Podcast called “The Father’s Calling” where he’s interviewing men with incredible stories who are living out their God given purpose. Sean truly is an amazing man who wants to use his story and experiences to help other family men avoid the pitfalls he fell into so that they can be the best version of themselves for their family.

Please enjoy our conversation as we explore his story and extract the lessons from Sean’s life that can help us become better leaders for our own family.

Get In Touch w/ Sean Corcoran:
Email: [email protected]



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