How to Make Your Wife Want You More | John Michael Clark

Why is it that so many Marriages suffer from a lack of intimacy?

Often times it’s the case that the man is always ready to go, but the wife is just not interested all the time.

Or worse, the wife will start to use sex as a reward or punishment tool.

Causing the husband to try to score brownie points by doing the dishes or bathing the kids just so he gets a shot at getting lucky at night.

Well on this episode, we’re gonna talk about why this is not the way you should go about this as a family leader.

If you want your wife to want you and want to have more sex with you, we’re gonna discuss some tactical things you can do to make that possible.

On this episode, I got to interview a man named John Michael Clark who runs a Christian men’s coaching business called The Family Captain.

Where he helps them become confident family leaders that can bring more frequency and passion to the marriage bed.

If you’ve been struggling at all in getting your wife to wanna be more intimate, John Michael shares some of his best tips for how to improve this in your own marriage.

Stick around until the end because one of the last tips he shares is one he reserves for his high ticket coaching clients and he was generous enough to share it with us here. You’re not gonna wanna miss this conversation.

***Get In Touch with John Michael Clark***


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