Do Men Have to Hit Rock Bottom to Change and Become a Leader? | John Shibley
Have you ever wondered if every man has to hit rock bottom to truly change and want to become a better man, husband, and father?
Or can a man change without needing to hit rock bottom?
It’s a great question to explore and one we’re gonna dive into on this episode.
I got a chance to interview John Shibley. John is the host of the Last In Line Leadership Podcast where he equips men to serve, encourage, and lead with courage and resilience. He’s published over 350 episodes and has interviewed some of the best men on the planet around the topic of being an effective leader.
Join us as we dive in on topics ranging from finding your purpose as a man to discussing what makes a good family leader.
You’re not gonna wanna miss this.
John Shibley's Contact Info:
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