STOP Yelling, START Connecting—A Dad’s Guide to Parenting | Nate Feathers
On this episode, G and Nate Feathers explore the complexities of family leadership and parenting. They discuss the challenges and rewards of being a father, the evolution of parenting styles, and the impact of technology on family dynamics.
Nate shares his personal journey of transitioning from an authoritarian parenting style to a more connected approach, emphasizing the importance of emotional intelligence and self-awareness in parenting. The conversation also touches on the significance of giving children undivided attention and the long-term nature of parenting as an investment in their future.
G and Nate explore the complexities of modern fatherhood, emphasizing the importance of being present and engaged with children. The conversation also touches on the historical context of parenting, the complementary roles of mothers and fathers, and the significance of allowing children to learn through their experiences, including the value of pain as a teacher.
Nate shares his insights on fatherhood, emphasizing the importance of being a role model for children, the power of apologies, and the need for connection over discipline. He discusses the challenges of parenting, the impact of emotional intelligence, and the differences between conscious parenting and traditional methods.
***Connect with Nate Feathers
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